Re-enrolment – continuing your program

After your results have been released, you’ll need to re-enrol on eStudent to continue with your program.  

Important information such as your contact details, emergency information, student visa information (for international students), timetables, course results, fee payments, FEE-HELP records, and more are stored in eStudent. You are required to keep these records up to date.  

If you wish to defer your studies, you can find our more information here.

You can find the Deferring or Cancelling Student Enrolment policy here

Before you re-enrol

If you’re continuing your studies, fee payment for the upcoming academic semester or English block will be required before you can re-enrol.  

English language program re-enrolment  

Please pay your upcoming English block fees on the Friday of Week 10, when your results are released. The Student Centre will contact you about your invoice, or you can contact them via the Ask UTS College Online Form.

Academic program re-enrolment 

We’ll email an invoice in Week 10 for your next semester’s fees. Your fees are due one week before Welcome Week.  

When to re-enrol

Diploma and Graduate Certificate students  

You’ll find key dates in the Academic Calendar and important information will be emailed to you. Please make sure you complete your re-enrolment by Wednesday of Welcome Week. If you missed online enrolment, please email no later than Friday of Welcome Week.

UTS Foundation Studies students

If you’re a UTS Foundation Studies student, you need to choose your electives subjects and make sure that you attend the Welcome back week. Please refer to Canvas for Welcome back Week workshops and location. Check your emails for more information closer to the date. 

If you don’t re-enrol on time 

You must enrol by the nominated date to avoid a late fee ($150 Late Re-Enrolment Fee). Check the Academic Key Dates for current information.

If you’re an international student who has not re-enrolled by the specified date, you will be reported to the Department of Home Affairs for failure to re-enrol.  

If you’re a domestic student who hasn’t re-enrolled by the specified date, and you haven’t arranged to defer your program with the Student Centre, you’ll be withdrawn from the program. 

If you’re changing programs, for example moving from an English program to academic studies, you can start enrolling as soon as enrolments open. Check the academic calendar key dates, check your email for important information and make sure you’ve completed your enrolment by the specified date. 

How to re-enrol

If you’re a re-enrolling academic student, you’ll need to enrol online at eStudent.

  • Log into eStudent with your Student ID and UTS password. 
  • Make sure you have Zoom on your device as it’s where enrolment support sessions are held. 
  • View our enrolment support session schedule and join a session at a time that suits you

Using the eStudent page

You’ll find more about How-to enrol on the estudent. This is also the place to check your results during the semester. This helpful video explains how to set up your timetable. 


You can check your class timetable on eStudent. Please note, UTS College may change your timetable, especially during the first three weeks of the semester. You will need to check your UTS email account regularly for any timetable changes.

Last date to change your classes

If you have a compassionate or compelling reason, you can submit a timetable change request on Thursday of Welcome Week before 5pm. To complete a request, please download a copy of the Academic Timetable Change Request Form, read the terms and conditions, complete the form and email us via

You’ll need to provide supporting documents, such as a letter from your employer for a work-related change, or a letter from a doctor regarding a health issue. Without these supporting documents, and/or if your form is incomplete, your application to change your timetable can be rejected. The enrolment team will let you know the outcome via student email as soon as possible. 

Where to get more help with re-enrolment

Policies and ProceduresFor further assistance with your re-enrolment and class registration, please refer to the following contacts:

Fee information Enquire:
Ask UTS College
General problems with re-enrolment


Help choosing electives Diploma students:
Graduate Certificate students
Foundation Studies students:
Issues accessing eStudent or webmail Please log a support request via the ITDS Service Desk portal or dial (+61 2) 9218 7000 – include your name, student identification and a screenshot of the problem.

Subject choices and outlines 

There are summaries and outlines of the available subjects for each program in the Academic Student Handbook.  

Minimum and maximum study load  

Your ‘study load’ is the number of subjects you’re studying at a particular stage of your program. You’ll find the full-time study load for each program in the Academic Student Handbook.  
Please note that, if you need to repeat a subject from Stage 1 of your program, you may not be able to take all subjects in Stage 2, because this may exceed the full-time study load. If this happens, contact your Student Success Adviser.  

If you’re an international student, your student visa requires that you undertake a full-time study load, as set out by the Department of Home Affairs. This also applies to UTS Foundation Studies students.  

If you’re a domestic diploma student, you can enrol part-time as long as you can complete your program in the timeframe outlined in the Academic Course Progression and Completion Policy.  

Generally, you may not enrol in more than the standard number of subjects at any stage of your program. There’s more about this in the Academic and English Student Handbook​. As an exception and subject to approval by your Student Success Adviser, you may exceed the number of subjects if you’re in the last stage of study and only have one additional subject to complete your program. Apply by contacting the Student Success Adviser by Wednesday before Week 1.  


You are not allowed to enrol in a subject without first successfully completing the prerequisite(s). In some circumstances, you may be allowed to enrol with the permission of the Program Manager.  

Course progress

If you’re an academic student, you’ll need to achieve the following to demonstrate you’re progressing in your program: 

  • Pass at least 50 per cent of subjects attempted in any study period. 
  • Not fail any subject more than once. 
  • No more than five fail results on your entire record. 


If you’re an international student, the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) framework and Department of Home Affairs student visa conditions require that you maintain satisfactory academic progress throughout your program. 

UTS College will report you to the Department of Home Affairs for unsatisfactory program progress via PRISMS as per the conditions outlined in the Academic Program Progress Policy. An outcome of reporting you for unsatisfactory program progress via PRISMS is that your student visa may be cancelled. 

There’s more about this in the Academic Course Progress and Completion Policy (Offshore) 

  Completion within Expected Duration of Study procedure

If you’re an international student on a student visa, you must complete your program within the time limits specified in your Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). UTS College will monitor your workload to make sure you complete on time. In certain limited circumstances, UTS College may allow you to extend the expected duration by issuing a new CoE. 

Frequently asked questions

Enrolment is when you select the subjects you wish to study in a semester. You will also create your class timetable. Enrolment occurs after you have accepted your offer and been admitted into UTS College.

  • "Enrolment" is the term used for new students enrolling for the first time.
  • "Re-enrolment" is the term used for returning students enrolling in their next semester of subjects
  • Diploma and Graduate Certificates students: re-enrolment days vary each semester. Usually, you will be able to re-enrol during Welcome Week and up until Friday of Welcome Week.

  • UTS Foundation Studies students: re-enrol into your subjects including elective subjects and create your class Timetable during the re-enrolment days. 
  • New students and students studying English: you do not need to re-enrol. For more information about how your enrolment is managed, visit the English language program enrolment page or the Academic program enrolment page.

Make sure you read through re-enrolment information carefully and note important dates, as late enrolments will attract a fee. Please also note that your fees for the next semester must be paid before you can re-enrol.

Find out more about re-enrolment.

Visit the list of enrolment dates and other important dates.

For help with re-enrolment, students contact the Student Centre.

You can check your class timetable on eStudent

If you are a UTS Foundation Studies student, enrol through eStudent into your subjects including elective subjects and create your timetable during the re-enrolment days.

If you are English language program student, your timetable will be organised by UTS College and you will be sent a link to it via your UTS email.

If you are studying a diploma, you will create your timetable when you enrol.

If you are studying a Graduate Certificates, you will create your timetable when you enrol.

In some circumstances, UTS College may need to change your timetable, especially during the first three weeks of the semester. We recommend that you check your UTS email account regularly for any important updates.

Find out more about classes and timetables.

You can log in to eStudent using your student ID and password.

You will find a link to eStudent under the ‘Staff and students’ menu on the footer of all UTS College webpages.

Or, visit (bookmark the page in your web browser for quick access later on).

You can change your elective on eStudent until online enrolment closed. Please note, the classes availability might be limited (for enrolment dates, visit Important dates).

All other students need to progress through the subjects listed in their program. This helps to ensure that you gain essential knowledge and skills before moving onto the next set of subjects.

If you want to change into a completely different program, it is best to discuss your options and next steps with a Student Success Adviser. You will need to submit an application to the Student Centre before Wednesday od Welcome Week. 

There are two weeks of holiday leave scheduled after each exam period and over the Christmas and New Year’s break in December. And while it’s not possible to take holiday leave during the semester, you may like to take a short break on public holidays (long weekends), when no classes are taught.

TIP: Need ideas on how to spend your holidays and weekends? Visit our list of top things to do in Sydney.

All academic students will also have a two-week break between semesters. 

If you are an English language program student moving into UTS Foundation Studies or a diploma at UTS College, you may not have a standard holiday break between your English program and academic program, so make sure you are aware of processes and key dates during this time. 

Find out about moving from English programs into academic study.

Important dates during your study year.

If you need to arrange leave during the study period, this can have a serious impact your studies, and your student visa (if you are an international student). To learn about conditions and processes relating to leave, visit Deferring, withdrawing and taking leave.