Step 1: Submit your diploma application

Complete your application for a UTS College diploma online through the Student Portal.

You’ll also need to upload these supporting documents:

  • Your transcript of studies showing subjects and result
  • Completion certificate (if completed)
  • A copy of the grading scale (if available)
  • Copy of Australian passport, birth certificate, Australian citizenship certificate or visa 
  • Any other relevant documents to support your application

There is no application fee.

Questions? See the Application Checklist for help. 

Step 2: Accept your diploma offer

Congratulations on receiving your offer from UTS College! Now it’s time to secure your place by completing the three steps below.

  1. Accept your offer:
    • Log back into the Student Portal.
    • Go to your offer, select ‘Respond to offer’ then ‘Accept your offer’.
    • Choose your payment option.  
      • Upfront payment (available to all students)
      • Defer payment with FEE-HELP (available to eligible domestic students only). Please read the FEE-HELP information in your offer letter and visit StudyAssist before you decide.
    • If any other documents were requested in your offer letter, please upload them.
    • Complete the Government statistics questions and enter your USI.
    • If you’re under 18 at the time you accept your offer, please upload the acceptance form that came with your offer letter. This needs to be signed and dated by you and your parent or legal guardian.
    • Click ‘Accept Offer’ to submit.
  2. Wait 24 hours, then activate your UTS account.
  3. Finalise payment:
    • To defer your fees, you can apply for FEE-HELP by logging in to estudent and completing the Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form.
    • To pay upfront, follow the payment options outlined in your offer letter and upload a copy of your payment receipt. You can make a payment three hours after submitting your acceptance.

If you have any questions about this please call us on 92188689 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm), or email and we’ll be happy to help.

Step 3: Applying for FEE-HELP

Once your UTS email is activated, you can apply for FEE-HELP by logging into eStudent, using your student number (you'll find it on page 1 of your offer letter) and your new UTS email password.
  1. Make sure you have your Unique Student Identifier (USI) and Tax File Number ready.
  2. Log into eStudent to complete the Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) to apply for FEE-HELP. See instructions on how to fill in the eCAF and apply for FEE-HELP.
  3. There's more about FEE-HELP in your offer letter.

Refund policy

Further information

Don’t want to apply online?
If you prefer, you can download our application form and return to us, by email, post, or in person.

  • Email:
  • In person: UTS College Student Centre, UTS Building 5, Block C, Level 1 (Ground Floor) 1-59 Quay Street, Haymarket, NSW, 2000
  • Post: University of Technology Sydney, UTS College CB10.13, PO Box 123 Broadway, NSW 2007

If you have any questions, please email: phone (within Australia): 1800 896 994

Before you apply, please read the UTS College terms and conditions, which will also be included in your offer letter.
It’s important to know that UTS College will collect and use your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy.