Under 18 information guide

Download the Under 18 information guide (PDF)

Visa conditions and welfare requirements

If you’re an international student under 18 years of age, there some extra protections in place for you. These welfare arrangements mean you either:

  • Arrange a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) from UTS College covering your Confirmation of Enrolment period plus 7 days (or until you turn 18), or
  • Nominate a parent, legal custodian, or relative over 21 years of age as your student guardian. This person must have a visa to stay in Australia for the duration of your student visa (or until you turn 18).

You need these welfare arrangements in place until you turn 18, even if you turn 18 before your program starts. It’s a condition of your visa that you don’t enter Australia before your welfare arrangements start. If you breach your visa conditions, the Department of Home Affairs might cancel your visa.

Adequate accommodation and welfare arrangements

If you’re an international student under 18 years of age, you need to live in UTS College approved accommodation (with approved welfare arrangements) or have welfare arrangements approved by the Department of Home Affairs.

UTS College approved accommodation options

The UTS College approved accommodation options for international students under 18 years of age are Homestay, Student Residential or Special Host (family friend only). For more information about UTS College under 18 welfare and accommodation arrangaments, please refer to Accommodation options for under 18 students.

Department of Home Affairs approved accommodation options

If you’re an international student under 18 years of age and not living in UTS College approved accommodation (for example you are living with an eligible relative), your welfare arrangements must be approved by the Department of Home Affairs.

What to do if you want to change your accommodation

If you want to change your accommodation or have any problems with your existing accommodation, please contact the Student Success Team at

Who to contact for help

  Remember, if you have any questions or issues, contact us for support.

Student Success Team:

Student Centre:
Ask UTS College online form