What is a final stage supplementary exam?

If you’re a diploma student and have failed one final subject required to obtain your diploma, you may be eligible for a Final Stage Supplementary Exam. You’ll be referred to your Program Manager to be considered for this exam. It’s a ‘second chance’ exam, intended to give you the best possible opportunity to complete your diploma on time. 

Your eligibility for a Final Stage Supplementary Exam is based on your performance in the subject throughout the semester. The Program Manager's decision on granting this opportunity is final. 

Exam rules

The Final Stage Supplementary Exam (FSSE) covers the entire semester’s content.

  • If you pass the FSSE, the final grade awarded for the subject will be 'Pass' with a mark of 50.
  • If you fail the FSSE, your original failed final grade will stand. 
  • If a written exam is not applicable to the subject, an alternative assessment will be determined by the Subject Coordinator and Program Manager.

No additional exam arrangements will be made if you miss the FSSE. Please refer to Important Dates for the FSSE schedule and result release dates.

When will results be available?

The exams team will send you an email with your results for the Final Stage Supplementary Exam. Please check your UTS email account regularly. 

What to do while waiting for results?

While you’re waiting for your Final Stage Supplementary Exam results, please re-enrol to complete the subject again in the following semester. A late enrolment fee won’t apply in this case. 

If you’ve qualified for an exam but would like to appeal against your original result, you must still sit for the Final Stage Supplementary Exam. 

If you pass your Final Stage Supplementary Exam, you’ll need to ‘un-enrol’ from that subject, as you will have completed all requirements for your Diploma. 

If you are unable to attend the final stage supplementary exam due to compassionate or compelling reasons, you must contact exams@utscollege.edu.au as soon as possible. Please note that UTS may not accept late result submissions from UTS College for the upcoming intake.

Who to contact for help and advice

Please contact exams@utscollege.edu.au if you have any questions about special exams. 

For more advice, your Student Success Advisers are here to help.