Okta Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Here are answers to common questions and issues that you might encounter when setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) or using Okta for the first time. If you read through this guide and still have questions, please contact:

  • UTS College ITDS Service Desk portal: click here
  • Call 612 9218 7000
  • If you’re in Sydney, you can visit the ITDS Service Desk in CB.05.01.

To read FAQs in Chinese, go here: 
常见问题 中文


MFA, or Multi-Factor Authentication, helps to verify your identity and protect you from cybercrime. MFA is now compulsory for all UTS College students.

With MFA, you’ll need to provide a second form of identity when logging into UTS College systems. This additional form of identity (or ‘factor’) helps us identify that it is you (and not someone else – i.e. a cybercriminal) using your password to access the College’s systems.

All UTS College students and staff. This is to help protect you and UTS College from cybercrime while you use UTS College systems.
1. Have the right device:
  • You’ll need a smartphone with an operating system that is supported by the College identity provider - Okta, to respond to multi factor requests.
  • Your smartphone should be relatively modern with a version of a mobile operating system and browser that is currently supported by both the manufacturer of the device and Okta. Click this link to view  Supported platforms, browsers and operating systems

2a. Students outside of China: Install and enable the Okta Verify app.  
2.b Students in China: Okta Verify does not work in China. Please use the Google Authenticator option when setting up the authenticator method.

Note: Microsoft Authenticator App can be used instead of the Google Authenticator App when setting up Google Authenticator as a factor.
Download the Okta Verify app for your mobile using the link below.
The ITDS Service Desk will need to verify your identity to reset your MFA. To do this:
  • UTS College ITDS Service Desk portal (Click Here)
  • Contact our Service Desk by calling 612 9218 7000.
  • If you’re in Sydney, visit the ITDS Service Desk in CB.05.01. Have your identification ready.
  • Be ready to answer questions about yourself so we can verify your identity.
Once we have verified your identity, we can reset your MFA.
UTS College’s authorized multi factor authentication (Factors) that can be used are the following.
  • Okta Verify (Recommended)
  • Google Authenticator
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • Security Key or Biometric Authenticator
Note: Our recommendation is to be registered for any two of the above factor types  in case one of the factors is not working.  
SMS is no longer a secure form of authentication. To improve security at UTS College, SMS will be removed as a factor on August 31, 2024, and will no longer be available.
You will need to register to one of the Multi Factor Authentication types (see below) to ensure access to UTS College applications.
  • Okta Verify.
  • Google Authenticator
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • Security Key or Biometric Authenticator 
Note: You can be registered for more than one of factor type, in case one of your factors is not working. 
Every 30 days.
Once enabled, you’ll need to verify your identity via Okta MFA every 30 days. Unless;
  • There has been no activity on your account for 48 hours or more.
  • It is the first time you are using a new device.
  • When logging in from a new city or country.
Apart from that, you’ll only be prompted by UTS College to MFA in these high-risk situations:
  1. You log in from a new country, or use a new device:
Once you have installed Okta, the app will remember recent countries and devices for you so that if you return to these countries your login credentials will be recognised.
  1. You use a VPN, ‘Incognito’, ‘Private Browsing’, ‘In Private’ or similar mode:
    To connect to UTS College applications via your preferred Internet browser, such as Chrome, Safari or Internet Explorer, on your personal device.
  1. You appear to travel at an impossible speed between logins:
    If your login credentials are used at two different locations within a very short time frame (Example: Sydney and Sri Lanka within 15 minutes – 1 hour, or when enabling then disabling your VPN).
When you use a VPN, your IP address is different and appears to be coming from a different country. Okta Verify detects this as High Risk and therefore requires you to authenticate every time you log into a UTS College system.

If you are using a VPN to access UTS College systems, you can expect to be prompted by Okta Verify every time: this is normal.
Okta will detect login activity as High Risk when it detects a new device fingerprint (this can happen when you use private browser mode) or a new IP address.
This can happen if:
  • You enable or disable a VPN, as this causes the IP address to change, or
  • Okta calculates ‘impossible travel’, which is when a user appears to have travelled an impossible distance in the time between two subsequent logins.
Currently, only three applications used by students are protected by UTS College’s Okta Policy:  
You may have previously enrolled in UTS Okta and not UTS College’s Okta. Another possible issue is you enrolled to Okta Verify with an old phone or have re-installed the Okta application on your phone.

The fastest way to resolve this issue is to reset your authentication methods and re-enroll by accessing Canvas or the Okta User Dashboard.


If you’re in China, you can use Microsoft Authenticator or SMS as your 2nd factor. Note that SMS MFA will be replaced in September 2024 with FIDO (a web-based authentication).
Students outside of China can use the Okta Verify App (required)
Note: You won’t be able to use Okta Phone - SMS.
The fastest way to resolve this issue is to reset your MFA factors and re-enrol.
Note: for security reasons, you’ll need to visit the Service Desk in CB05 or call us on (+61 2 9218 7000) to verify your identity. We can then reset your MFA.
Go to Supported platforms for Okta Verify to check to see if your phone's OS is supported by Okta. Once your phone is updated then try downloading Okta Verify again.
Go to Supported platforms, browsers and operating systems to check to see if
  • Your browser is supported by Okta.
  • Your computer operating system is supported by Okta.
  • Your phone's operating system is supported by Okta.
Once your phone OS is updated then try downloading Okta Verify again.
Try the following steps first to troubleshoot:
  • Upgrade your phone’s browser.
  • Upgrade the phone’s operating system to the latest version supported by Okta (see answers above).  
If you’re still unable to install Okta Verify after upgrading, visit the ITDS Service desk in CB05 or call us on (+61 2 9218 7000).

FAQs for students in China

Okta 多重身份验证 (MFA) 常见问题解答

以下是您在设置多重身份验证 (MFA) 或首次使用 Okta 时可能遇到的常见问题和问题的解答。如果您阅读完本指南后仍有疑问,请联系:  

- UTS 学院 ITDS 服务台门户点击此处 

- 致电 612 9218 7000 

- 如果您在悉尼,您可以访问位于 CB.05.01 的 ITDS 服务台。 

经常问的问题 (FAQs)

MFA(多重身份验证)有助于验证您的身份并保护您免受网络犯罪的侵害。 MFA 现在是所有 UTS 学院学生的必修课。通过 MFA,您在登录 UTS 学院系统时需要提供第二种身份形式。这种额外的身份形式(或“因素”)帮助我们识别出是您(而不是其他人,即网络犯罪分子)使用您的密码访问学院的系统。 
所有 UTS 学院的学生和教职员工。这是为了帮助您和 UTS 学院在您使用 UTS 学院系统时免受网络犯罪的侵害。

1. 拥有合适的设备: 

  • - 您需要一部配备有学院身份提供商 Okta 支持的操作系统的智能手机,以响应多因素请求。 

  • - 您的智能手机应该相对现代,具有设备制造商和 Okta 目前都支持的移动操作系统和浏览器版本。单击此链接查看支持的平台、浏览器和操作系统 


2a.中国境外的学生:安装并启用 Okta 验证应用程序。 





2.b 中国学生:Okta Verify 在中国无法使用。设置身份验证器方法时,请使用 Google 身份验证器选项。 



注意:将 Google Authenticator 设置为因素时,可以使用 Microsoft Authenticator 应用程序代替 Google Authenticator 应用程序。 


使用下面的链接下载适合您手机的 Okta 验证应用程序。 


•    对于 Android - 单击此处 

ITDS 服务台需要验证您的身份才能重置您的 MFA。去做这个: 

- UTS 学院 ITDS 服务台门户(点击此处) 

- 请致电 612 9218 7000 联系我们的服务台。 

- 如果您在悉尼,请访问 CB.05.01 的 ITDS 服务台。准备好您的身份证明。  

- 准备好回答有关您自己的问题,以便我们验证您的身份。 

一旦我们验证了您的身份,我们就可以重置您的 MFA。 


• Okta 验证(推荐) 

• 谷歌身份验证器 

• 微软身份验证器 

• 安全密钥或生物识别验证器 


SMS 不再是一种安全的身份验证形式。为了提高 UTS 学院的安全性,短信功能将于 2024 年 8 月 31 日删除,并且不再可用。 

您需要注册一种多重身份验证类型(见下文),以确保能够访问 UTS 学院申请。 

• Okta 验证。 

• 谷歌身份验证器 

• 微软身份验证器 

• 安全密钥或生物识别验证器 


每 30 天一次。 

启用后,您需要每 30 天通过 Okta MFA 验证您的身份。除非; 

 您的帐户已有 48 小时或更长时间没有任何活动。 

• 这是您第一次使用新设备。 

• 从新城市或国家登录时。 


除此之外,UTS 学院只会在以下高风险情况下提示您攻读 MFA:  


安装 Okta 后,该应用程序将为您记住最近的国家/地区和设备,以便当您返回这些国家/地区时,您的登录凭据将被识别。 

 您使用 VPN、“隐身”、“私密浏览”、“私密”或类似模式: 

在您的个人设备上通过您首选的互联网浏览器(例如 Chrome、Safari 或 Internet Explorer)连接到 UTS College 申请。 


如果您的登录凭据在很短的时间内在两个不同的位置使用(例如:悉尼和斯里兰卡在 15 分钟至 1 小时内,或者启用然后禁用您的 VPN)。 

当您使用 VPN 时,您的 IP 地址会有所不同,并且似乎来自不同的国家/地区。 Okta verify 将此检测为高风险,因此要求您每次登录 UTS College 系统时都进行身份验证。如果您使用 VPN 访问 UTS College 系统,则每次都会收到 Okta 验证提示:这是正常现象。 
  • 当 Okta 检测到新的设备指纹(当您使用私人浏览器模式时可能会发生这种情况)或新的 IP 地址时,Okta 会将登录活动检测为高风险。  

  • 如果出现以下情况,就会发生这种情况: 

  • - 您启用或禁用 VPN,因为这会导致 IP 地址更改,或者  

  • - Okta 计算“不可能的旅行”,即用户在两次后续登录之间的时间内似乎已经旅行了不可能的距离。 

目前,只有三个学生使用的应用程序受到 UTS 学院 Okta 政策的保护:  

ServiceNow(UTS 学院 IT 门户) 


Okta 用户仪表板 

您之前可能就读于 UTS Okta,而不是 UTS College 的 Okta。另一个可能的问题是您使用旧手机注册了 Okta 验证,或者在手机上重新安装了 Okta 应用程序。  

• 解决此问题的最快方法是重置您的身份验证方法并通过访问CanvasOkta 用户仪表板重新注册。 

MFA 注册疑难解答 (Troubleshooting)

如果您在中国,可以使用 Microsoft Authenticator 或短信作为2FA (MFA)。请注意,SMS MFA 将于 2024 年 9 月被 FIDO(基于 Web 的身份验证)取代。 

中国境外的学生可以使用 Okta 验证应用程序(必填)  

注意:您将无法使用 Okta 电话 - 短信。 

解决此问题的最快方法是重置您的 MFA。  

注意:出于安全原因,您需要访问 CB05 的服务台或致电 (+61 2 9218 7000) 来验证您的身份。然后我们可以重置您的 MFA。 

转至 这个链接,检查 Okta 是否支持您手机的操作系统。手机更新后,请尝试再次下载 Okta 验证 


• Okta 支持您的浏览器。 

• Okta 支持您的计算机操作系统。  

• Okta 支持您手机的操作系统。  


- 升级浏览器软件。 

- 将手机操作系统升级到 Okta 支持的最新版本(请参阅上面的答案)。   

如果升级后仍然无法安装 Okta verify,请访问 CB05 的 ITDS 服务台或致电 (+61 2 9218 7000)。