You have access to a wide network of free study support services. These include individual, tailored learning support as well as regular Study Success Workshops to help you prepare for your assessments and exams and succeed in your studies.

Student Success Advisers

UTS College Student Success Advisers support you in your studies with highly personalised, comprehensive advice to help you to meet program progress requirements. You can chat with them about:

  • Your future study plan and GPA
  • Your elective subject choices
  • Your attendance and progress
  • Any problems such as stress, time management, or personal issues that may affect your studies.

You can meet with a Student Success Adviser online using RingCentral or on campus from Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm at the Student Centre, Building 5, Block C, Level 1. You can contact your relevant Student Success Adviser by email:

Diploma students:

UTS Foundation Studies students:

English language students:

Graduate certificate students:

HELPS Centre

The HELPS Centre is a safe, respectful and friendly space that fosters your sense of wellbeing and belonging. It offers a wide range of resources to help you reach your study and career goals by developing your academic and English language skills. The Centre provides individual, peer assisted and group support.

Free weekly one-on-one learning support sessions will help you manage your time and prepare for your assessments and exams. The HELPS Centre also runs English language speaking groups, short film discussion groups, learning assistance sessions and teaching support.

Learning support with HELPS

You can access HELPS resources on Canvas and at the HELPS Centre in UTS Building 5, Block C, Level 1 (ground floor).

The HELPS team also offers a drop-in online service for learning support, and access to 24-hour/7-day a week study help and a writing feedback service, through Studiosity.

The resources are aimed at encouraging you to work independently on extra English and Academic skills development.

Other resources include:

  • Weekly English support linked to your coursework,
  • Academic skills resources including APA Referencing, essay writing, presentation/speaking online tutorials,
  • Practice quizzes for English grammar, academic skills, reading, listening and much more,
  • Reading and listening activities related to your chosen discipline at UTS.

Depending on your course or subject, the HELPS team may also deliver assessment specific workshops to assist you in your planning and/or writing. The HELPS team may also visit your class to assist you.

Study skills sessions are also held regularly throughout the semester to help with time management and assignment preparation.

Visit or make an appointment to see a Student Success Adviser for:

  • Personal issues affecting your studies
  • Study plan
  • Your academic pathway
  • Your attendance
  • Transfer to UTS.


The HELPS centre will run Academic Skills workshops throughout the Semester/English level block. Information will be sent to you through HELPS Canvas announcements.

  If you have any questions about the Student Success workshops or English language support, please contact:
For help with careers workshops, please contact:

Key Contacts

  For more information on our services please access Canvas or email or Student Success Advisers.

Peer Mentors and Peer Helpers

The International Student Mentoring Program and In-Class Peer Helper Program are both free services available to you. Throughout the semester, our peer support initiatives give classroom help in academic subjects. Peer mentoring is also available if you are a new student who needs extra study support.

Peer Mentors and Helpers are past students who have completed a diploma at UTS College and progressed to their desired degree at UTS. They can offer you advice based on their experience at UTS College.

Peer Mentors

Sometimes, it can really help to talk with someone who understands what you’re going through. Peer mentors are students who have successfully completed your program. They can help you to do the same.

Peer mentoring is available for both diploma and UTS Foundation Studies. If you are a new international student, you can meet regularly, in groups of three or four, with a peer mentor. Groups meet once a week for two hours from Weeks 4-10. If the meeting needs to be cancelled - by you or the mentor, you both need to give as much notice as possible.

Benefits of having a peer mentor can include:

  • Increased academic achievement
  • Improved social skills
  • Greater feeling of connection to the College community
  • Increased attendance and motivation to continue study.

In addition to study advice and help, peer mentors also help you in settle into life in Sydney, understand Australian culture, and make new friends.

How to access support

To meet a mentor, complete the Peer Mentoring Expression of Interest Form. You’ll learn more about the Peer Mentoring Program during Welcome Week. For more information about the program, email or

Who will you be matched with?

You’ll be matched with a senior student peer mentor who has already successfully completed a UTS College program.

What kind of problems can they help with?

Talk to your mentor about issues like:

  • Feeling alone, depressed, or anxious
  • Breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend
  • Feeling homesick
  • Having trouble making new friends.

What can't they help with?

Peer mentors focus on helping you settle into student life in Sydney. They can provide general study advice, but you need to see a Student Success Advisers for more specific help with your studies. In case of emergencies or other serious matters follow this link for help when things go wrong.

How to become a mentor

If you’ve successfully completed a UTS College program and would like to help international students adapt to student life, speak to the Study Success Advisers about becoming a peer mentor.

Peer Helpers

Over the course of your studies, you may come across peer helpers in the classroom. They can provide you with additional learning support in class. They may help clarify terms, assist you in preparing for assessments and class activities, and help you to engage and participate in class. Peer helpers can also work with you to help you understand what’s expected of you in your subjects.

Tips for group work

Your studies will prepare you for the realities of the Australian educational system and workplace. Beyond studying with UTS College and UTS, your ability to interact, work with others, and communicate is a vital career and life skill.

Our specialised curriculum focuses on collaboration and teamwork. That means you’ll often work with a group to complete projects and assessments. If you’ve never worked in a group before, it can sometimes be challenging. With that in mind, here are some helpful tips to set you up for success with group work projects.

Get study help anytime, anywhere

Free 24/7 study support is available through Studiosity, which you can access through your Access Studiosity through your Canvas account to get:

  • Writing feedback on your essays and assignments within 24 hours, or
  • One-to-one, personal help from a study specialist in real-time

Support available at Canvas

Log onto Canvas to see information on Study Success: Help, including:

  • How we can help
  • Learning support
  • Medical and legal help
  • Canvas overview for students
  • Canvas student guide.

Canvas also has links to Study Success: Resources, including:

  • Academic honesty
  • HeadsUp – an introduction to everything you need to be successful at university
  • Academic writing
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Harvard UTS Referencing Guide
  • Paraphrasing
  • Avoiding plagiarism
  • UTS College student charter. Your Student Success Advisers are also here to help you.

Help with Canvas

Canvas is the Learning Management System used at UTS College. It’s where you’ll find all your subject materials, including assessments and announcements. You’ll also use Canvas to submit assessments, complete group work, receive grades, feedback, and communicate with your teachers outside of class.

  Login to Canvas (using these step-by-step instructions) and entering your UTS email address and password.

Special consideration

If you experience serious illness or a traumatic incident that affects your performance in an assessment, there is support available. You can apply for Special Consideration. You can apply for Special consideration. The circumstances under which can you apply for special consideration include:

  • Serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that you were unable to attend classes
  • Bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents
  • Major political upheaval or natural disaster in your home country requiring emergency travel that has affected your studies
  • A traumatic experience which could include involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident; and witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime
  • Any other circumstance would require evidence to be considered as compassionate or compelling.