Special consideration

If your performance in an assessment task or exam for a subject was affected by circumstances beyond your control, you may be eligible to apply for special consideration.

Special consideration is intended to provide equitable academic treatment for students whose performance in an assessment task / exam has been significantly affected by extenuating or special circumstances beyond their control.

Special consideration is not automatically granted and may not result in a study or mark adjustment.

You can apply for special consideration in these cases, and the impact period must be for least 3 days to be eligible.

  • Serious illness or injury
  • Bereavement of close family members (such as parents or grandparents)
  • Major political upheaval or natural disaster in your home country requiring emergency travel that interrupts your studies
  • A traumatic experience (such as being involved in, or witnessing a serious accident; witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime)
  • Any other circumstance that requires evidence to be considered as compassionate or compelling.

If the impact period is less than 3 days, you are required to submit your medical certificate that was approved by the Student Centre to your teacher for reasonable adjustment (for example, granting an extension for submission). It is at your teacher’s discretion to allow reasonable adjustments. 

If you’re unable to attend a final exam due to illness, accident, or other misadventure, please follow the special exam application process.

How do I apply and what evidence do I need to submit?

You need to complete the online Special Consideration Application form and follow the prompt to submit your Professional Authority Form at the time of submission.

The Professional Authority Form needs to be completed by a registered medical provider such as a hospital, doctor, dentist (emergency appointments only), psychiatrist, or psychologist. UTS College doesn’t accept documents from alternative medical practitioners such as pharmacists, herbal practitioners, acupuncturists, Chinese therapists, massage therapists, iridologist, psychics, etc.

For non-health related matter, supporting documents must be issued on official letterhead from a funeral director, minister of religion, or other professional/official body, and clearly indicate:

  • The details of the circumstances
  • The impact on your ability to complete an assessment/exam
  • The duration of the circumstances (include and start and end date)
  • A physical signature and contact number of an appropriate authority
  • The date the supporting document was issued

Important Notes: 
  • Supporting document will not be accepted if any of the details listed above are missing. Backdated medical certificates, receipts for medical fees, and medical certificates purchased online or from friends will not be accepted.
  • Special consideration applications will be refused if the documentation provided does not support your claims.
  • Any supporting document that is in a language other than English must be accompanied by an English translation performed by a NAATI-accredited translator.

Knowingly making false or misleading claims of extenuating circumstances or altering or falsifying any documentary evidence (e.g. medical certificate, professional authority form, or other supporting documentation) may be considered an act of student misconduct and may be dealt with in accordance with the Non-Academic Misconduct policy.

Deadline to submit your application

Complete application for Special Consideration must be lodged no later than five (5) working days after the assessment task due date, and before semester ends.  

Important Notes: 

  • Your application is only considered a complete application after you have submitted both your Special Consideration Application form and the required supporting document. The Student Success Adviser will NOT assess incomplete applications.
  • Late applications may be lodged only in exceptional circumstances. Such requests must be supported by documentary evidence for the late submission. 
  • The outcome of your application will be emailed to your UTS email address.