It’s mandatory for you to attend every class. In the case of illness or an emergency, please call the UTS College student centre on (02) 9218 866.

If you experience serious illness or a traumatic incident that affects your performance in an assessment item, you may be eligible for special consideration.

There’s more, below, about attendance and how to submit a medical certificate for missed classes.

Accidents or illnesses that affect your studies

Accidents or illnesses can compromise your ability to complete assessments or exams. To arrange extensions or different exam times, you’ll need to contact one of our Student Success Advisers to request special consideration.

  There’s more helpful information on the health and wellbeing and study support pages.

Medical and health concerns

If you’re sick and can’t attend classes, you’ll need to see a doctor and get a medical certificate to submit to the Student Centre. You can book a confidential appointment with the UTS Health if you would like to use their service.

There’s more information about attendance and submitting medical certificates in our Attendance Policies and Procedures.

If being sick or injured prevents you from submitting assignments or attending exams, contact a Student Success Advisers to discuss special consideration.

  For everything else health-related – including questions about your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) – visit our Health and wellbeing.

What do I do if I am sick and can’t attend classes?

Where possible, you need to contact your teacher every time you will be absent from class prior to the regular class time, via email or Canvas.

If you are absent due to illness, you’ll need to submit a medical certificate to the Student Centre for approval on the first day back to class after an absence. You can submit your medical certificate in person by visiting the Student Centre, or by email to
  • If you submit your medical certificate via email to the Student Centre, you will receive a confirmation email from them once it is approved. Your attendance will be updated to reflect your absence as medical hours.
  • If you submit your medical certificate in person to the Student Centre, the certificate will be stamped and returned to you for your records once it is approved. The Student Centre will also keep a copy in your file, and your attendance will be updated to reflect your absence as medical hours.

A medical certificate must be issued by a registered medical provider such as a hospital, doctor, dentist (emergency appointments only), psychiatrist, or psychologist. UTS College doesn’t accept certificates from alternative medical practitioners such as pharmacists, herbal practitioners, acupuncturists, Chinese therapists, massage therapists, iridologist, psychics, etc. Backdated medical certificates and medical certificates purchased online or from friends will not be accepted.
The medical certificate must include: 
  • duration of the impact (start and end date) 
  • health practitioner’s Medicare provider number 
  • health practitioner’s AHPRA Practitioner Registration number  
  • telephone contact and address details of the health practitioner 
  • signature of the health practitioner 
  • date of issue  
  • an original that is issued on official letterhead
Knowingly making false or misleading claims of extenuating circumstances or altering or falsifying any documentary evidence (e.g. medical certificate, professional authority form, or other supporting documentation) may be considered an act of student misconduct and may be dealt with in accordance with the Non-Academic Misconduct policy.

How do I seek special consideration for my missed assessment due to my absence?

If your performance in an assessment task or exam for a subject was affected by circumstances beyond your control, you may be able to apply for special consideration.

Special consideration is intended to provide equitable academic treatment for students whose performance in an assessment task / exam has been significantly affected by extenuating or special circumstances beyond their control.

Special consideration is not automatically granted and may not result in a study or mark adjustment.
  • When you are absent for less than 3 days in duration, you are required to submit your medical certificate that was approved by the Student Centre to your teacher for reasonable adjustment (for example, granting an extension for submission). It is at your teacher’s discretion to allow reasonable adjustments. 
Please contact UTS College Student Centre at or call them on +61 2 9218 8666 if you have any questions.

Changing your program or withdrawing

Sometimes you might find that you didn’t choose the best program for you, or your circumstances change, and you need to study something else or not study at all.

Before making any changes to your enrolment, it’s essential to discuss your situation with a Student Success Adviser.

They’ll talk through your problem and help work out your best options. There’s more about this on the Changing Programs page.