5 things to know about your graduation.

5 things to know about your graduation.

The day you’ve been working towards has arrived and you’re ready to graduate from UTS College. Here are a few things you should know before you storm the stage to collect that well-earned diploma: 

Get your ducks in a row 

There are some important things to do before the big day. Make sure there are no outstanding fees. Make sure your guests have tickets. Above all, make sure you register your attendance for the ceremony (we need numbers to organise catering, seating, and gowning for everyone). The last day to register is 13 June 2023

Start the day right 

We’ve already mentioned that it’s a big day. It’s also a long one, so make sure you have a good breakfast. You probably won’t get a chance to eat until the ceremony is over. Try to avoid getting into a rush. Give yourself time to leave the house feeling fabulous and on top of things. Remember, keys, phone, smile. 

Look fresh 

There will be photos. Your cheer squad will be watching. This is a day to look your best. And remember UTS College also has some no-nos. Keep the ripped jeans, thongs, and singlets at home and go for something simple and business-like. You’ll be wearing your academic gown over the top, so you don’t want to be too bulky. Think about your shoes too. You’re walking across that stage in front of a big audience, so make sure you can walk comfortably. Beware of slippery soles or wobbly high heels. 

Give yourself plenty of time 

This is not a day to be stressing. Find out exactly what you need to do and where you need to go in advance. Remember the gowning room opens 90 minutes before the ceremony, and gowning and registration can take a while. It’s best to be registered and gowned 30 minutes before the ceremony starts. That way you’ll be nice and calm and ready to enjoy it all. Students who are more than 15 minutes late may not be allowed on stage. 

What to expect at the ceremony 

Remember King Charles’ coronation? Well, it’s nothing like that. No swords. No trumpets. We promise. You’ll be invited onto the stage, where the Vice Chancellor of UTS will congratulate you. And be ready for applause. There is so much applause. By the end of the ceremony, your hands will be stinging from all the clapping. Maybe pop some hand cream in your pocket. Seriously. You’ll thank us. 

For more details, like where to go, parking, professional photography, transcripts and testamurs, check our FAQ page. Congratulations to everyone who’s graduating. We couldn’t be more proud.