Firstly, a “credit point” (cp) is the unit of measure of workload for individual subjects. A typical UTS Bachelor of Science subject contains 6 credit point.
Studying a UTS College Diploma of Science gives you 48 credit points towards your UTS Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics, Biomedical Science, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences or Nanotechnology.
Or, you can put your 48 credit points towards UTS bachlor degrees in Advanced Science, Biotechnology, Environmental Biology, Forensic Science, Marine Biology or Medical Science.
Alternatively, if you are interested in mathematics or statistics, studying a UTS College Diploma of Science gives you 24 credit points towards UTS bachelor degrees in Science in Analytics or Science (majoring in Mathematics ot Statistics).
Putting these credit points towards your UTS degree gives you the advantage of a reduced workload throughout your UTS bachelor degree in a science-related field.