I’m a domestic student. How does UTS College support me?

Dropping into the Student Centre.
Dropping into the Student Centre.

When you come to UTS College, we want you to succeed. That’s why we want you to know about all the help on offer and how to use it. Make the most of our resources and you’ll be ready to thrive at uni. Let’s start by answering a few of the most common student questions:

  1. There’s a lot of talk about the support at UTS College. What does that mean? What specific support services are available for domestic students?
    Our supportive atmosphere, friendly, helpful teachers model of learning, and small classes set you up for success. But it’s about more than that. Whether you’re an international or domestic student, there are extra resources here to help sharpen your skills.

    Your first stop for face-to-face academic skills support is our HELPS (Higher Education Language and Presentation Support) Centre. The HELPS team also offers online learning support and regular study skills sessions. For further personalised help, you can consult with our dedicated Student Success Advisers at the Student Centre Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. They’re here to help with any specific questions about your study plan, elective and subject choices, academic progress as well as any personal matters that may affect your studies. Whatever’s happening, remember you’re not alone.

  2. What does it mean when you talk about 24/7 support?
    Just to be clear, it doesn’t mean your teacher will welcome calls in the middle of the night. But all UTS College students have free access to Studiosity for online support with assessments. You can submit essays and assignments for feedback within 24 hours, or chat live online with a study specialist for one-on-one help. Our Learning Management System, ‘Canvas’ also provides a wide range of online learning resources that you can review in your own time. And for those moments you just need to talk, you can always find a listening ear through TalkCampus, a global mental health and wellbeing network.

  3. Does every student qualify for support, or do you have to be struggling?
    Our support is available for all students, and we encourage all UTS College students to use these services. You just have to be enrolled in one of our courses. Whatever your area of study, language level, country of origin, or GPA, our resources are here to help you reach your study goals (and even to set them). There’s help here for you from day one of your studies to graduation.

  4. How do I access the support I need?
    We try to make it as easy as possible to find support when you need it. That said, our help doesn’t just drop out of the sky. It’s always up to you to make the first move. You can book an appointment with a Student Success Adviser, or the HELPS Centre online. Or if you’re around, you’re always welcome to drop into the Student Centre or HELPS and see if someone’s available to chat. You’ll find details about accessing Studiosity and TalkCampus in Canvas.

  5. Can all students access personalised support, or is it one-size-fits-all?
    Our Student Success Advisers will give you individual support, tailored to your program of study and personal circumstances. All you need to do is book an appointment to get things rolling.

Just reach out!
Tahlia Skordas is now studying Bachelor of Advanced Science (Pre-medicine) at UTS. She began her studies with a Diploma of Science at UTS College and was winner of the Outstanding Graduate Prize. The prize is awarded to the student with the highest Grade-Point Average (GPA) in their course at the end of their UTS College studies. Tahlia says she owes a lot of her success to the support she accessed while studying at UTS College.

She recommends making the most of the abundant help at the College. “Don’t be afraid to reach out,” she says. “There are so many support services to help you throughout your studies. Don’t hesitate to contact a Student Success Adviser, your program manager, or your teachers. You could even start by having a chat with your peers.”

Find out more about support at UTS College