For Lucky, everything is possible.

Phetmixay ‘Lucky’ Doungdara is on a winning streak.
Phetmixay ‘Lucky’ Doungdara is on a winning streak.

Business student Phetmixay Doungdara arrived at UTS College from his home in Vientiane, Laos, determined to contribute to the student community. “First I wanted to be a Student Helper,” he says, “and now I’m one of the Student Ambassadors at UTS College. I’m also part of the event help crew. I help organize and plan events throughout the academic year. And I’m a volunteer for Open Day.”

Developing valuable skills
Phetmixay, known around campus as ‘Lucky,’ says these activities have helped him to develop valuable skills. He says, “It’s all boosted my confidence in speaking – I have public speaking experience now. Also, with teamwork. For example, every week the event help crew has a meeting to come up with ideas, and that develops skills in critical and innovative thinking.”

Now studying his Bachelor of Business at UTS, Lucky’s study pathway began at UTS College with UTS Foundation Studies. “The education system in Laos is very different from Australia,” he says. “I couldn’t imagine going directly to UTS without preparing my academic and English skills at UTS College. I did UTS Foundation Studies and also a Diploma of Business and they helped me a lot. At UTS College we can engage with the tutor because the class is small. It’s easy to communicate and ask any questions.”

Broadening his perspective
From his high school days, Lucky’s parents had encouraged him to study abroad. “They wanted me to broaden my perspective and see the world – to experience something new in a different country,” he says. “When deciding to come to Australia, I looked at a few universities and I really wanted UTS. It’s young and innovative, and I like the campus location.”

Lucky made the most of his opportunities at UTS College. In addition to collecting a Dean’s Merit Award and the Outstanding Graduate Prize for UTS Foundation Studies, he also achieved the highest Grade-Point Average (GPA) in Diploma of Business, winning another Outstanding Graduate Prize.

A reward for hard work
“It’s really challenging in Diploma of Business,” he says. “I didn’t expect the prize because there were a lot of good students. I realised I needed to study harder and focus more. When I got the news, I called my parents first thing. They said, ‘That’s your reward for hard work and commitment.’ Because they’re back in my home country I couldn’t really go out and celebrate with them. I went for a celebration here with my friends – we had a Chinese hot pot – and I told my parents to go celebrate and I would cover it.”

Inspired by Mum and Dad
Lucky says his parents are his greatest inspiration. “Since I was young, my Mum and Dad were in business. My family has a construction company. Every time we went for dinner, or when we were driving, I would always hear them talking about business,” he says. “Now I’m majoring in accounting at UTS. My Dad taught me that to run a successful business, you need to have a decent knowledge of accounting to keep your business financially healthy. I look up to my dad. After I complete my studies, I want to return to my home country and continue the family business.”

A dream come true
There was more good news for Lucky this year, when he won the UTS College to UTS Pathway Scholarship, which pays 50 percent of tuition fees. He says life is good on campus at UTS. “It’s like a dream come true – the facilities I get to experience. I think the library, the reading room, is my favourite place on campus. And I love Building 8, the Business building,” he says. “I also get to experience the Engineering building. The Data Arena is one of the best facilities I’ve ever seen.”

Trying new things
While he works hard at his studies, Lucky believes in a balanced life. He says, “You can’t study all the time. I like to play sports with my friends – I love to go bowling. And karaoke helps relieve stress when I’ve had a lot of assignments. I like to sing ‘Perfect,’ by Ed Sheeran.” He also encourages students, especially international students, to get involved with co-curricular activities. “You get to meet a lot of people, work with different people, and see different perspectives. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Everything is possible.”

Experience a day at UTS with Lucky.