Subject details

Credit points Six
Description This subject is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to develop their understanding of best practice teaching for quality learning in transitional and higher education. The subject focuses on student centred learning models and identifies students’ approaches to learning as well as the factors influencing their learning environment. The subject offers participants the opportunity to reflect and improve their teaching practices to encourage and support students’ learning. Participants also develop an understanding of issues that impact on the effective and inclusive use of technology in education through critical examination of research and professional literature in this area.
Subject learning outcomes On successful completion of this subject, participants will be able to:
a. Demonstrate an understanding of the student-centred learning models through discussion and evaluation of the different approaches
b. Reflect and analyse their personal teaching style in relation to the affect it has on students’ learning experiences
c. Design and create engaging learning materials using learning technologies
d. Demonstrate the ability to promote active learning, using technologies in the classroom
e. Evaluate the importance of creating a classroom environment that enables a deep approach to learning
Topics 1. Student Centred Models of learning including contemporary models of learning and reflective practice.
2. Implementing Student Centred Teaching:
I. Overview of the neuroscience of learning
II. Understanding the learners, their approaches to learning and their learning preferences.
3. Motivating and engaging students by creating a classroom climate that encourages active learning and promotes rich learning experience.
4. Identifying, evaluating and adapting digital approaches and tools to enhance students learning.
  • Reflection Journal (35%)
  • Case study (40%)
  • Discussion Forum (25%)
Credit points Six
Description This subject gives an overview of the Understanding by Design framework (UbD) and constructive alignment. It assists participants in understanding the design of constructively aligned teaching, including the consistency between the designed activities and feedback and assessment with the desired learning outcomes. This subject equips participants with strategies needed to implement constructive alignment in their teaching practices and develop a curriculum which demonstrates an engaging, enriching experience for the students, and which encompasses deep learning, 21st century skills and is technology enhanced.
Subject learning outcomes On successful completion of this subject, participants will be able to:
a. Describe approaches to curriculum development and design
b. Explain the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework and the principles of constructive alignment
c. Design constructively aligned outcome-based teaching and learning
d. Construct Authentic, Forward-Looking Assessments to support and enhance students learning and performance
e. Create high quality feedback and feedforward to enhance students learning
Topics 1. Curriculum Design and Development:
2. Understanding by Design framework (UbD) and constructive alignment.
3. Methodologies for educative assessment:
I. Authentic Assessments
II. Criteria and standard for evaluating students work
III. Self and peer assessments
IV. Growth mindset feedback: teacher to learner, learner to learner and learner to teachers’ feedback.
  • Subject Analysis (20%)
  • Assessment Redesign (25%)
  • Report: Creating Engaging & Effective Feedback (25%)
  • Lesson Plan& Design Reflection (30%)
Credit points Six
Description This subject focuses on the main principles of learning and teaching practices that are inclusive, meaningful and accessible to support students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It equips teachers with the knowledge to help students develop the skills and qualities needed in a globalised world. It also provides teachers with essential knowledge and principles of effective language teaching in content-based subjects to provide students with the best support that is tailored to their academic needs, particularly within a transitional education context.
Subject learning outcomes On successful completion of this subject, participants will be able to:
a. Explain and reflect on Global Citizenship Education
b. Reflect on their intercultural awareness
c. Demonstrate an understanding of teaching practices in the context of transitional education that support diverse learners through the design of learning materials that are inclusive, internationalised and accessible
d. Identify areas for improvement in their teaching to support diverse learners within a transitional learning environment
e. Communicate effectively the knowledge and principles of effective language teaching in a culturally and linguistically diverse classroom
Topics 1. Intercultural awareness of self and others
2. Understanding the importance of Global Citizenship Education
3. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to implement intercultural learning and teaching strategies
4. Enhancing communication skills in the classroom
  • Journal Assignment and Discussion (35%)
  • Reflection portfolio: an approach for teaching across cultures (25%)
  • Report: Material Design  (40%)
Credit points Six
Description The subject highlights the importance of building a positive and supportive environment in transitional and higher education. The subject gives participants the opportunity to explore a variety of topics in Positive Education and their impacts on students’ wellbeing and performances. It equips participants with the skills necessary to implement strategies that promote positive experiences and caring/trusting classroom climates, to foster a sense of belonging and develop students’ strengths. This subject also provides teachers with practical ways and metacognitive language necessary to help students become aware of the learning process and their progress to achieve greater outcomes.
Subject learning outcomes On successful completion of this subject, participants will be able to:
a. Interpret and apply the fundamentals of Positive Education and Wellbeing
b. Investigate and analyse the domains of wellbeing and their impacts on learners in education
c. Explore the Strength-Based approach and its importance in higher education settings.
d. Recognise the barriers and enablers of positive change within their teaching practices
e. Critically review the link between Habits of Mind and the learning agility and its importance in education.
Topics 1. Introduction to Positive Education
a. Develop an understanding of positive psychology
b. Explore Character Strengths and virtues
c. Investigate the theories of wellbeing
d. Incorporate positive education to develop students’ emotional intelligence skills and resilience
2. Teaching and integrating the Habits of Mind
a. Explore the impact of mindsets on learning
b. Describing the Habits of Mind
c. Integrating the Habits of Mind in the classroom
  • Essay on research theories (25%)
  • Reflection Portfolio (35%)
  • Presentation on application of chosen area (40%)
Credit points Six
Description This subject builds upon the skills and knowledge developed in the other four compulsory subjects and helps participants to consolidate their learning from this course. Participants select an area of either a teaching practice or a disciplinary area to explore as a research or teaching practice project. Participants explain the importance of their research question, plan to investigate it, implement and evaluate the plan, synthesise and analyse the significance of their findings
Subject learning outcomes On successful completion of this subject, participants will be able to:
a. Identify an area to investigate in their teaching practices.
b. Describe why this specific area was chosen to be investigated (how, what and why).
c. Design and conduct an action research project within the chosen field of transitional education.
d. Critically evaluate their plan and reflect on the significance of their findings
Topics 1. What is action research?
2. The characteristics of action research.
3. The purposes of conducting action research.
4. How to develop an action research
  • Action Research Proposal (25%)
  • Action Research Presentation (35%)
  • Report (40%)