Privacy at UTS College

UTS College is committed to maintaining the privacy of all individuals who we deal with. Our Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, secure, use, handle and disclose your personal information.


Website privacy collection notice

General collection of personal information

Insearch Limited (UTS College) collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information to perform its core functions and activities. When you interact with us, including using our services and/or accessing our websites and platforms, we collect certain personal (and sensitive) information about you. The types of information UTS College may collect and the purposes for which UTS College collects, users and discloses such personal information are set out in detail in our Privacy Policy.

Web statistics and cookies

This section sets out how cookies operate on our websites and platforms. A cookie is a package of data which a website requests be stored on your computer to identify you as a user of that website. Cookies are used to store information about a user’s preferences, and to enable the dynamic display of a website according to a user’s preference when they return, as well as for measurement and analytics purposes. You may choose to disallow cookies through your web browser settings and/or a third party opt-out tools where our third party partners use non-cookie technologies that may not be impacted by browser settings that block cookies.

Google Analytics is a tool to measure website traffic and usage. You can opt out of the collection of this information using a tool like the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

As part of our digital marketing, UTS College may collect data from you through Google Analytics, by using cookies or by other automated means (such as a server or proxy logs). The information collected using these tools may include your server address, your domain name, your IP address, the date and time of your visit, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, the previous site visited and the type of browser and device you used. These tools do not match any data collected with any personal information, which means that you can browse the UTS College website anonymously.

From time to time, we also allow third party vendors, such as Google, Facebook, Ad Roll (Next Roll), Double Click and LiveChat, to use cookies to collect or receive information for the purpose of delivering targeted advertising to users who have previously visited the UTS College website (e.g. you may see one of our adverts on the Google display network or on Facebook after browsing our website) and for measurement and analytics purposes.

Social media services

UTS College uses a range of social media service such as Meta, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, WeChat, Weibo, Red and Douyin for student recruitment and marketing purposes. When you communicate with us using these services, we may collect your personal information and use it to help us to communicate with you and the public. The social media services will handle your personal information for their own purposes and will have their own privacy policies.


UTS College takes steps to protect the security of the personal information we hold from both internal and external threats. Such steps are set out in further detail in our Privacy Policy (download link above).

Publishing personal information on this website

UTS College will only publish your personal information on this website if it has been collected for this purpose with your knowledge or if you have consented to the disclosure. When giving such consent you should be aware that information published on this website is accessible to millions of users worldwide, that it will be indexed by search engines and may be copied and used by any web user. This means that once information is published on this website, UTS College has no control over its subsequent use and disclosure.

Access and correction

You are responsible for ensuring the information you provide to UTS College is correct and up to date. If you would like to:

  • access or correct personal information held by UTS College;
  • lodge a complaint about a breach of your privacy; or
  • raise any concerns about your privacy at UTS College,
    you can contact at any time. Please refer to the our Privacy Policy for further details.

UTS College’s registered office is at Level 13, UTS Building 10(CB10), 235 Jones Street, Broadway NSW 2007 Australia. Telephone: +61 (0)2 9218 8600.

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