Thank you for your support

In our last InTouch update for 2020, I want to thank you all for your wonderful support and reflect on all the great work we have done together over the course of this extraordinary year.
2020 has been an unprecedented year of disruption and change. And while UTS College has certainly not been immune to the impacts of this pandemic, it has also been a year where UTS College and you, our valued partners, have shown incredible resilience in the face of uncertainty and adapted in ways we may have never imagined.

In March, as we were all told to stay safe and stay home, UTS College continued with its commitment to delivering the best possible outcomes for our students. The goal was to enable students to stay on track with their studies through an innovative form of remote learning – and thus, Live Online was born.
Live Online offers the same special mix of ongoing academic support, small class sizes, and practical learning that UTS College is known for, while optimising the course delivery to provide students with a seamless online study-from-home experience. The program has been well-received by students and teachers alike, and we will continue to maintain and enhance the positive outcomes of Live Online well into 2021 and beyond and will work closely with you on market feedback.
The move to learning online also meant the move to remote recruiting. At the same time as students and teachers were discovering new ways of learning, we were developing digital resources for new ways to acquire students. Studylink offers our valued partners a one-stop-shop for resources to aid with applications, entry requirements, accommodation and so much more, all at the click of a button.
We will continue to enhance the onboarding experience and equip our partners with the sales and marketing tools made readily available on the Studylink portal to ensure you have all you need to do the job under these challenging circumstances.
In September, UTS College was the proud winner of the 2020 Action Research Award which acknowledges our commitment to Action Research in ELT. It was particularly apt at a time when UTS College had swiftly adapted to learning online and invested in the development of a new, cutting-edge English language curriculum despite the disruptions and challenges of COVID-19.
We have expanded our program portfolio with the exciting launch of the new Pre-Masters (Graduate Certificate) Program, providing you, our partners more options for recruitment. UTS College will give students the knowledge, confidence and skills to take their career to the next level with a Graduate Certificate from UTS College and a Master’s Degree from UTS.
Finally in December, after 30 years of having the brand name UTS Insearch, we changed it to UTS College. This better-aligns UTS College with the UTS family while making it clear and simple for everyone to know who we are and what we do - offering pathways to UTS undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs.

As a new year approaches, there are many things we can all be proud of: a new name, new programs, new and improved ways of how we support you.

On behalf of UTS College, thank you for your wonderful support in 2020 and my team and I are looking forward to working with you on achieving even greater success in 2021.

Warmest regards,
Peter Harris
Chief Officer, Partnerships & Growth
UTS College