New streamlined Architecture pathway

New streamlined Architecture pathway

We are excited to announce some great changes coming for students who wish to study architecture.

To allow for a better student experience, UTS School of Architecture has worked closely with our Design & Architecture Program Manager to streamline the UTS Insearch Diploma of Design & Architecture (Architecture stream). This is in response to the UTS Bachelor of Design in Architecture being restructured to have more emphasis on design, less on theory.

Key changes

As a result, select architecture subjects from the UTS degree will be brought forward and taught at UTS Insearch.

The 2 key changes for our Architecture stream diploma graduates will be:

  1. The duration of their UTS Bachelor of Design in Architecture degree is reduced to 2.5 years (instead of 3 years)
  2. UTS is changing the Autumn (February) intake to a Spring (July) intake for UTS Insearch Diploma of Design & Architecture (Architecture stream) graduates articulating to the Bachelor of Design in Architecture.

Please note: these changes are only relevant for our diploma pathway students. Foundation and direct entry students will continue to commence in the Autumn (February) intake.

There will be no changes for current students, or those who have already accepted their offer letter. For more information please read the linked Architecture changes fact sheet or contact your Partner Manager.