Top five tips to ace your studies
So you’re in the thick of assignments and exams or maybe you’re starting uni for the first time? I hear you, I’m Brendan, a first-year Business student at UTS College and I’m sharing my top five tips to help you ace your studies.
Look after your mental health
Managing your mental health and wellbeing is incredibly important when you’re studying. From personal experience, neglecting your mental wellbeing can have a detrimental effect on your studies and yourself. So how do you do this? Be aware of your limits and ensure you maintain balance in your life. This means prioritising self-care during your week; this could be as simple as reading a book, listening to music, or going for a walk.
Find what motivates you
Studying at university is different from high school as there is more self-directed study. One thing I learned was the importance of identifying your extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. Understanding what motivates you to study and why you’re doing this course can have a big impact. An example of this could be that you’re aspiring to study your dream course at UTS to get into your dream job, this is a great motivator.
Make a schedule
Schedule and routine are essential. I use Google Calendar to map out my entire semester, this includes my classes, study periods and self-care. Following this schedule intensely has wired my brain to upkeep this routine and form good study habits. So now, when I follow the plan, I don’t even have to look at it; my mind knows when to do these tasks. Google calendar can also remind you of tasks that are due if you have a forgetful memory.
Create a study session that works for you
My fourth tip is to have a study session that works for you. Everyone has different ways of studying. The strategy I use is to take notes in class and revise them to internalise the notes. Try and figure out a way to learn that works for you; this could be doing practice exams and quizzes or reading the textbooks for your unit. UTS College’s student-centred learning experience, Learning.Connected makes this easier by offering a variety of learning resources so you can study in a way that works for you.
Have a good study space
Your study space should be somewhere quiet with no distractions. I have two separate desks in my room; one for studying and one for video games. This gives me a sense of discipline and helps me focus. I also like to study with a hoodie over my head. It blocks my peripherals on things that would distract me and keeps me focused on the tasks that are in front of me.
There is no right or wrong way to study. What might work for me, might not work for you. So make sure you try different things and find what study techniques work for you. Have a great time studying and chat to me on TAP if you have any other questions!